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Who we are

Pushing the edges of technology, science, and philosophy through Science Fiction.



What We're About.

​Sci-Fi Galaxies is where science fictions fans and authors connect and can find clean Sci-Fi books.

Our goal is to find shareable content that will appeal to lovers of all forms of Science Fiction.

Our author listings provide links to a great variety of sci-fi authors, with convenient ratings provided for the discerning reader or concerned parent. If you are an author who would like to be listed, click on the "Ad/Update Author" link at the bottom of the page. We reserve the rights to reject submission for any reason. Author input is done on a volunteer basis, so please be patient with us if it takes a while for the listing to go live. 

We also host author/reader interaction events through our Facebook page and have put out an anthology of short stories

Check back frequently for new events!

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